Davidoff Cigars (official)
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Experience Davidoff's world of premium products. Discover your favourite blends and share your story. #DavidoffCigars #TimeBeautifullyFilled
3 months agoOur rollers do not just cut the leaves for quality but for beauty too. Appearance counts. The wrapper has to be the finest clothes a cigar can wear. You taste a White Band cigar with your eyes as well as your palate. Are you ready to experience the perfect blend of quality and beauty in our White Band cigars? #DavidoffCigars #TimeBeautifullyFilled #Davidoff #TheDifference
3 months agoOur plants are trained to enjoy any weather. We are constantly developing tobacco plants that will adapt to changing weather conditions much better than their ancestors. The tradition of the agronomist plays a crucial role here. We are working with around 50 experts who have each a long tradition with us and know exactly how to treat the plants. We can trust them 100% to ensure that we as Davidoff obtain the best tobaccos. Stronger and healthier plants provide you consistency and more flavours. #DavidoffCigars #TimeBeautifullyFilled #Davidoff #TheDifference
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