
Quinten Timber (@quintentimber) started following on Oct 10, 2024

143 Following106.3K Followers

Refreshing conversations about faith

5 months agoIt’s with your help that we’re able to continue sharing conversations on Streams Studio. If you feel led to give, please follow the link in our bio or head to our website: The average monthly donation we receive is £33 / $43 and through the link, you can give from as little as £5 / $5. Streams Studio is a registered charity and registered for Gift Aid in the UK. Tax Deductible Giving is also available for US donors through the link in our bio or by visiting Thank you so much for your support.

a year ago123 - I am Woman @dedani.dlodlo presents her poem - I am Woman. Dedani is a psychologist and poet who lives in London, England. Originally from Zimbabwe and having spent time in the US, Dedani works with young people at risk of serious youth violence and specialises in trauma. She helped co-found @the_ampersandcollective, a faith based art ministry bringing the community together through art. #poetry #iamwoman #dedanidlodlo #streamsstudio I am Woman And in the tradition of some religious men I am more villain than victim Though the weaker sex I am still the greater sinner I am no longer The last of creation’s divine epiphanies woman Or the one man once sang over Singing bone of my very bone Flesh of my own flesh woman I am only Fashioned from the rib of a man woman The woman that was Given and then blamed She is me Always and inexplicably ashamed I am she Deceived into conceiving sin woman I have desires and needs Of which I’ve been told I needn’t speak Because after all God never spoke to me Woman Not directly And not of anything Other than curses and seeds So though I am wild woman Constantly coming undone And though on most days I runneth over With tears and holy hymns That I can only hum I try hard not to be That woman Stuck on paper Too open And so easily read Like a well known poem About a brittle woman Breaking herself apart To scatter herself and her unloved heart All over the halfway willingness of a man woman I try hard not to be That wild horse woman Both terrifying and strange Running alone in flames Along tight ropes and fine lines Between two poles Not enough and too much Trying to find peace of mind Somewhere in the middle Where the thunder roars While the sun still kisses After the world ends Before the dawn breaks again But there Deep in the dialectical Where few go Where being good and woman Feels more like a game of Marco Polo The knowledge of who I can be Always just beyond my reach Something I can only navigate By what their misogyny tells me But they are the blind ones Afraid to see that there might be Something divine in femininity (continued in the comments…)

Quinten Timber (@quintentimber) started following @facugonzalez_27, @carranzajuli21 and @hugobuenoo_ on Oct 4, 2024


785 Following55.5K Followers

Jugador de @aufoficial 🇺🇾 & @feyenoord @adidasfootball

a year agoMuy contento, muy emocionado y sin caer en la realidad de haber podido llegar a un club de la magnitud como la @juventus . Nada de esto hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo diario de la gente que está conmigo, que me motiva, que me hace crecer y que, pase lo que pase, sé que siempre van a estar ahí. Gracias a todos los que hicieron esto posible y en especial gracias a mi familia por acompañarme en un día como esté. Gracias @bygplayers por la confianza depositada en mi, el trabajo diario y me gustaría agradecerte a vos, @martinguasta , por tu interminable trabajo y por representarme de la mejor manera posible amigo. ¡Los sueños están para cumplirlos! ¡Forza Juve! • • • Felicissimo, molto emozionato e senza cadere nella realtà di essere riuscito a raggiungere un club della grandezza come la @juventus . Niente di tutto questo sarebbe stato possibile senza il supporto quotidiano delle persone che sono con me, che mi motivano, che mi fanno crescere e che, nonostante tutto, so che ci saranno sempre. Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno reso possibile tutto questo e soprattutto grazie alla mia famiglia per essersi unita a me in una giornata come questa. Grazie @bygplayers per la fiducia riposta in me, il lavoro quotidiano e vorrei ringraziare te, @martinguasta , per il tuo infinito lavoro e per rappresentarmi nel miglior modo possibile, amico mio. I sogni devono essere realizzati! Forza Juve!

2 years ago11.06.2023 🇺🇾💙 Una fecha para la historia. Nací uruguayo y moriré siendo uruguayo. ¡URUGUAY NOMA! • • • #elequipoquenosune #worldcup @fifaworldcup

Quinten Timber (@quintentimber) started following @jordanlotomba on Oct 3, 2024


399 Following103.6K Followers

🇨🇩🇦🇴 @feyenoord 🏟️ @swissnatimen 🇨🇭

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