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Kevin Mbabu ⚡️ (@kevin_mbabu) started following @bastienfeller on Sep 29, 2024


457 Following320 Followers

📍🇨🇭 ✍️🏻 @blick_fr

Kevin Mbabu ⚡️ (@kevin_mbabu) started following @yankeescanucks on Sep 27, 2024


22 Following217 Followers

Yankees & Canucks is our take on American and Canadian Street Food. We are all about bringing "A Little Taste of Home" to you. CVR no. 44536943

Kevin Mbabu ⚡️ (@kevin_mbabu) started following @jlukaku94 on Sep 26, 2024


331 Following104.3K Followers

My Dreads Are My Identity Le Roi Lion 🦁

Kevin Mbabu ⚡️ (@kevin_mbabu) started following @b.s.christiansen on Sep 25, 2024


336 Following23.7K Followers

Jægersoldat, Ranger, team- og mentaltræner, tv-vært, forfatter, ekspeditionsleder, foredragsholder, elektriker, dykker, pilot, fotograf. BS & Co.

3 months agoPå vegne af Jørgen Glidov Fonden, er det en stor fornøjelse og ære at give BS Christiansen Prisen “Årets Røst” 2024. ”Årets Røst” er et uansøgt hæderslegat, som har til formål at anerkende en persons fortjenester i forhold til at stå på mål for sine holdninger og værdier, udvise standhaftighed og vedholdenhed i bidraget til den offentlige samtale. ”Årets Røst” gives derfor til en person, som udmærker sig med disse kvaliteter, også når de møder modgang eller når det ikke er populært. Dette er en fantastisk måde at anerkende og påskønne dem, der tør stå ved deres værdier, har en høj moral og står ved deres ord, uanset konsekvenserne. Prisen i sig selv symboliserer styrke og ærlighed, og består af en brosten i granit, der repræsenterer hårdhed og stabilitet. Derudover inkluderer prisen to spader, som symboliserer modet til at tale et klart sprog og kalde en spade for en spade. BS Christiansen er bl.a. kendt for sin modige og ærlige tilgang til emner af samfundsmæssig interesse. Hans evne til at stå fast og være autentisk, selv når det er svært, gør ham til den helt rigtige modtager af denne ærefulde pris.

3 months agoViktor Axelsen vinder Hong Kong Open i overbevisende stil! Med en sejr over kinesiske Lei Lan Xi i to sæt kan Viktor skrive endnu en Super 500-turneringen på cv’et. I Hong Kong Open-finalen var Viktor fuldstændig ubesværet og nedkæmpede sin modstander i overbevisende stil. Viktor vandt opgøret med 21-9, 21-12. Klasseforskellen var helt tydelig og den skinnede igennem i hele kampen, hvor Viktor var fokuseret og tændt. Det er første gang, at Viktor vinder Hong Kong Open. Det er Viktors 19. sejr i træk og første titel efter OL-triumfen i Paris. En enestående mental og fysisk præstation - kæmpe respekt. Kh. BS

Kevin Mbabu ⚡️ (@kevin_mbabu) unfollowed @mcdonalds_switzerland, @therealkiyosaki and @mitsuzen on Sep 20, 2024

Kevin Mbabu ⚡️ (@kevin_mbabu) unfollowed @italliano_eats, @davidsinclairphd and @n.mbuku on Sep 20, 2024


444 Following694.4K Followers

- Professor studying aging - Lifespan book & podcast - Mission: Extend healthy lifespan for all - Views are my own

2 years agoI’m excited to announce @chefserenapoon and I have signed with @wme @endeavor, the global agency and investment group (see link in bio). Our goal is to provide our audience with science-based information, products, and tools to optimize performance, achieve long-term health & live very long and fulfilled lives. 💪 Serena and I met a bit over a year ago. We’ve found we are driven by the same mission in life — we both get up every day to help as many people as possible reach their maximum potential and lifespan. Signing with @wme helps us achieve that. Serena’s knowledge about mind, nutrition and longevity practices far surpasses mine. I have adopted most of them in my daily life, resulting in better cognition, memory, energy, and biomarkers that predict a long life. 🙏 After we both witnessed what it is like for loved ones to suffer from now preventable diseases of aging, we have devoted our lives to helping as many people globally as possible. We want everyone to have the tools to avoid the pain and suffering caused by a decline in the body over time, by optimizing the mind, the body, and by slowing down the aging process (and hopefully soon reversing it!). 🍵 Stay tuned for more from us. Thanks for following Photos by @iseelightinyou 👏 . . . . @hollywoodreporter #health #longevity #wellness #aging #fitness #WME #mindfulness #meditation #weightlifting #fullyaligned #fullyalignedcoaching #coaching #performance #serenaloves #lifespanbook @lifespanbook

2 years agoI am delighted to share our latest paper where we show aging is likely driven by changes to the epigenome, a glitch in the software of the body that causes it to malfunction, which can be fixed with a reboot (link in bio). The data supports The Information Theory of Aging, which you may know about from Lifespan, the book 📖 The mouse on the left had its epigenome destabilized so that it aged 50% faster. Then we reversed it 🧬 If we are correct, it means that cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's might have the same underlying cause that can be reversed to treat or cure age-related conditions with a single treatment. Experiments in the lab are testing this 💪 Genetic information is the hardware and the epigenome is the software (the pink protein balls in the image that spool DNA). 💿 We think aging is due to corrupted software, that can be rebooted to restore youth. We show DNA breaks cause the software to become corrupted. We experience DNA breaks by the trillions every day & these advance the biological clock 👩‍💻 The age-reversal technology -- which turns on an embryonic gene program -- is being tested at @lifebiosciences in non-human primates to restore vision. Results out in a few months 🙈 The work represents 13 years of work by 60 people in my lab and around the world. Great work by Jay-Hyun Yang, lead scientist and 1st author. We also stand on the shoulders of greats - Lenny Guarente, Eric Verdin, Nir Barzilai, Matt Kaeberlein, Brian Kennedy, Jasper Rine, Steve Helfand, Steve Horvath, John Denu, Rafa de Cabo 🕙 Can this age reversal tech extend lifespan? This week Davidsohn and colleagues showed our exact system extends lifespan in very old mice, when initiated at the human equivalent age of 70-80! I suspect the rejuvenation process exists in salamanders and reptiles but we have lost this ability (for now) 🌎 We dedicate this paper to coauthors Michael Bonkowski (last photo), Norman Wolf, and our patriarch Paul F Glenn, who we lost on this journey. Thanks to all our financial supporters & members of the Sinclair laboratory, past & present . . . #health #technology #aging #longevity #wellness #grit #medicine #lifespanbook #genetics #hms #research

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