
Jose Altuve (@josealtuve27) started following @vancityreynolds on Oct 12, 2024


1.1K Following54.1M Followers

Owner @aviationgin & @mintmobile @maximumeffort & @wrexham_afc 🇨🇦

4 months agoMy friend (and friend to many) Eric Raymond Gilliland passed away Sunday. He was kind. And gentle. And funny as hell. And incapable of holding a conversation that was cruel or tore someone down. It’s a tragedy he’s gone and a tragedy more people won’t have the chance to know him. I had Eric as a friend for 27 years. He was the first bigtime meeting I had at the start of my career. He’d finished working as a writer on ROSEANNE and had a swank bungalow office on the Fox lot in LA. I was nervous as hell to meet him. I’d gotten into my cups the night before and the hangover wasn’t helping. My head was pounding like crazy, but it was my stomach that worried me… I had those horrible little tell-tale burps. Badness was brewing. Eric wasn’t how I imagined a seriously successful comedy writer. He was so approachable. When he smiled, his nostrils flared and his eyelids lowered by half. Imagine Pixar, but Pixar is Eric’s face. It felt like I’d known him forever. And there are hundreds, if not thousands of bartenders, cashiers and shopkeepers in dozens of countries who feel the same. I traveled all over the world with Eric. He introduced me to Vaudeville and Jack Benny and welcomed me into his friend circle of impossibly talented writers and performers. He was my university. He helped me grow and find my voice. And he did all of it while finding himself. Eric never stopped becoming Eric. He eventually moved to NYC and found a new gear. He walked everywhere. He had Swedish Glug parties. He appreciated old, forgotten things. He loved soup. Jesus Christ, the man loved soup. Go to his twitter account for proof. When I walked out of that meeting at Fox all those years ago, I was hit with the undeniable urge to see him again. As soon as I’d finished violently throwing up in the rose bush outside his office, I popped back in and gave him my phone number. I also let him know I’d recently thrown up in the rose bush outside his office. This news seemed to please him. The rose bush died but Eric lived 27 more years.

5 months agoNearly a decade of getting to do this. 10 years ago, we would have gleefully taken these BONKERS 2nd weekend numbers as our opening weekend. The way #DeadpoolAndWolverine has captured the moment is hard to process. Feels a bit like it’s happening to someone else. Either way, making these movies has been more fun than anyone has a right to have. I can’t help but skip down memory lane a bit. There are way too many people who’ve made pivotal creative contributions to list, but obviously my long time co-writers, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (without whom there would be no Deadpool movie) Tim Miller, Mr David Leitch (who also made Fall Guy — one of the best of the summer films), 20th Century Fox, George Dewey and Kevin Feige. Last on the list but first in my heart: my creative, spiritual (and damn near literal) brothers, Shawn Levy and Hugh Jackman. This has always been a game of inches and the relentlessness we hit this movie with (particularly in post production which is another phase of the writing process) is something I’ll never forget. Thank you to every single person who showed up for this film. Thank you to everyone seeing it multiple times, making friends with new characters and tipping our hats to some familiar faces we love from the past. What a damn thrill this has been. ❤️⚔️❤️

Jose Altuve (@josealtuve27) started following @piegariusa, @soymarilove and @motherwolfmiami on Oct 12, 2024

Jose Altuve (@josealtuve27) started following @yoangelrojasc on Oct 7, 2024


4.5K Following27.4K Followers

🎥 Jefe de Producción de Medios Audiovisuales 👇 @magallanesbbc y @marineros_bbc ⚾️ Creador y Conductor 👉 @Archivo_LVBP ⚾️ Canal Youtube 👇

a year agoSolo puedo darle gracias a DIOS por este título 🏆 y por tantas bendiciones 🙏💙 Gracias a TODOS los que forman parte de esta hermosa Familia llamada @marineros_bbc ⚓️💙 Gracias a TODOS y cada uno de los peloteros y del cuerpo Tecnico por su profesionalismo por dejarlo todo en el terreno, son unos CABALLOS! Gracias a todo el Staff de Gerencia Deportiva, a mis hermanos @enyelberth_pena y @gonzaloarias98 por su amistad incondicional, los quiero! Gracias a @luisblasinic Presidente de nuestro equipo por su confianza. Gracias a todos y cada uno de nuestro equipo de prensa, @_eliomphotography, @yelfriflores21 y Juan Pablo Rodríguez, pero sobre todo a ti hermano, nuestro Jefe de Prensa @alejandro99escalante mi rumy es un orgullo para mi trabajar a tu lado! Eres un Crack! A mis hermanos @katherinefreytes y @rujanolavoz por su trabajo y su compromiso toda la temporada, por elevar el nombre de Marineros y ser referencia. A nuestras bellezas de logística, mercado y administración Lorena y @elizettemilagros son unas duras y siempre con la mejor disposición para todo! Las quiero mucho! A mis hermanos de Seguridad ni hablar, Mejor equipo imposible! @elnfumo 💙⚓️ A nuestros Clubbies, Personal de Mantenimiento y demás GRACIAS! Tenemos el mejor equipo. A nuestro patrocinante @facilitobet GRACIAS por confiar en @marineros_bbc, Gracias por confiar en mi trabajo, El título se logró cómo estaba destinado, en Valencia y con Facilito BET en el centro del escenario. Gracias @hsanchezjordan lo más grande hoy es la amistad sincera que tenemos! 💪 A mi @minarocca como siempre GRACIAS! Por tus consejos y por siempre estar allí, este título también es tuyo mi amor, la Copa Magallanes fue el colofón dorado a una temporada inolvidable 💙⚾️ A mi hermano @hcolme_7 te fuiste a USA pero tú espíritu, tú garra, tú compañerismo y tu hermandad se quedaron con nosotros, SIEMPRE serás parte de este equipo y este título también es tuyo! Te quiero mi bro! 💙 Él éxito no es casualidad, el éxito es la consecuencia del trabajo en equipo! GRACIAS A TODOS 💙⚓️⚾️ 📸 @_eliomphotography

3 months agoEn @magallanesbbc ya recuperamos el 50% de la Familia este año con @ender.chavez, ahora para el próximo vamos a recuperar el otro 50% con la vuelta de @endychavezofficial 😂😂😂😂😂 Caballetes! De Tocuyito para el mundo 😎⚾️ Orgullo Magallanero ⚓️⚾️💙

Jose Altuve (@josealtuve27) started following @soyjuliomarin and @ygtrece on Oct 5, 2024

Jose Altuve (@josealtuve27) started following @winelibrary on Oct 4, 2024


255 Following66.4K Followers

3 months agoOur Premium Napa Cabernet of the Year hits this Monday, October 7th on! Sign up now to see it the moment it’s released around 12 Noon on Monday! Massive press, outstanding vintage, incredible producer ... the only issue is ... there will be a VERY limited supply!!! Tag a friend who would want to see this deal! #wine #wines #winetext #winelibrary #winedeals #getsome #cheers #winelovers #cabernetsauvignon #cabsauv #redwine #yum

3 months agoArlaud’s Roncevie wine is the best kept secret in Burgundy. Formerly in the Gevrey Chambertin appellation and declassified in 1964, to a mere “Bourgogne rouge”, the quality transcends land decrees. With stunning notes of rose petal, wild raspberry, and cherry, this lush wine offers incredible balance and a finish that lingers. Farmed organically and crafted with love, this is one treasure you don’t want to miss. Quantities are limited! — 🍷 2022 Arlaud Bourgogne Rouge ‘Roncevie’ — 🔼Buy at the link in our bio🔼 — Allen Meadows, Burghound “A wonderfully fresh and ripe nose combines notes of red currant, plum and a whisper of earth. The sleek, delicious and vibrant middleweight flavors terminate in an inviting and refreshing if lightly rustic finish. This is very good for its level plus it offers short to mid-term aging potential.” #winelibrary #garyvee #instawine #ilovewine #drinkmorewine #wineoverwater #savewaterdrinkwine #wineeveryday #winesnob #winenerd #love #wine #cork #uncork #winebottle #cheers #🍷 #winestagram #winelover #winelovers #winesofinstagram #winelife #wines #frenchwine #burgundy #redburgundy #redwine

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