Fiona Palomo
712 Following • 794.7K Followers
I like handwritten letters.
2 months agoJust a little message to say thank you. Have been feeling really grateful to receive so much love and kindness. Really beautiful thing to be able to do something we love in life and have it be so well received. Truly wonderful.. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ Gracias por tanto cariño y apoyo, solo quería pasar a agradecer. Dedicarle tu vida a algo y que sea tan bien recibido es siempre inmensamente gratificante y me llena el corazón. Es como si regresara a ti todo el cariño con el que creaste tu arte. Gracias de corazón! ❤️❤️❤️ F xx
2 months agoPoguelandia 2024 ❤️ Thank you so much for such such such a warm welcome!! So grateful to be a part of this adventure and to have spent the day with all of you. All the kindness back xx
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