6 months agoIf you wanna learn more, comment “5K”
Jay-Z said:
If you can’t afford to buy it twice you can’t afford it.
And that’s true for almost everything.
If you take a loan for an investment that pays you back that’s no problem.
But if you take a loan to buy a car, a TV or any other things that only cost you…
That’s a debt that keeps growing and your money will melt away over time.
So if you wanna buy anything that doesn’t pay you- keep Jay-Z in mind.
Don’t flex- invest!
But in what? Warren Buffet said only invest in things you understand…
If you’re no stocks expert, don’t know about crypto, and maybe don’t have enough cash for real estate...What’s left?
Here’s a recommendation: Amazon FBA.
Yeah of course I’m recommending it, I’m teaching it, right?
Sure, but I can explain why exactly I’m doing it.
Stocks are beyond your control- even tiny events can reduce stock value and your money goes poof ( remember 2001, 2008, and 2020?).
Real estate is just as much of a bubble but now you even have to find investors and buyers, not to forget the right properties to buy and sell.
And the market is also pretty random at times- what I the property never goes up in value?
And crypto is a rollercoaster, isn’t it? Just take bitcoin- at the beginning of the year it went nuts, in April a lot of people lost their homes...
It’s completely out of your control.
But on Amazon, people wanna give you money already, and Amazon’s algorithms know exactly how buying behavior looks like.
With tools like Helium10, you can see which products are selling well.
Of course, there’s always a little risk, but if you ask me, I got the most control in FBA.
If you wanna learn more, comment “5K” and I’ll show you how it works.